در این آموزش انگلیسی مکالمه می خوایم 18 حرکت ورزشی پرکاربرد رو به انگلیسی مرور کنیم و برای هر کدوم یک جمله مثال بزنیم.
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Work out / Exercise
/ ورزش کردن
activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
lose weight, exercise more, and eat better.
لاغر شوید ، بیشتر ورزش کنید و بهتر غذا بخورید
Warm up
/ گرم کردن
prepare for physical exertion or a performance by exercising or practicing gently beforehand.
We’re gonna start off with our warm-up
ما می خواهیم با گرم کردن کارمان را شروع کنیم
/ پیاده روی تند
run at a steady gentle pace, especially on a regular basis as a form of physical exercise.
He was jogging in Central Park in New York
او در پارک مرکزی نیویورک در حال دویدن بود
/ لی لی و یک پارفتن
to jump on one foot or to move about in this way
The children were hopping around the playground.
بچه ها در زمین بازی لی لی می کردند
/ دراز-نشست
move from a lying or slouching to a sitting position.
I can do 50 sit-ups
من می توانم 50 تا دراز-نشست کنم
Push-up (US) / Press-up (UK)
/ شنا سوئدی
an exercise in which a person lies facing the floor and, keeping their back straight, raises their body by pressing down on their hands.
I would do push-ups to failure
تا حد توانم شنا میزدم
Locker room (US) / Changing room (UK)
/ اتاق رخت کن
a room containing lockers for the storage of personal belongings, especially in schools or gymnasiums
I’m sitting in the locker room with three bags
من با سه کیف در رختکن نشسته ام
/ باشگاه
meaning:a room or building equipped for gymnastics, games, and other physical exercise
after this we’re gonna hit the gym do some leg day
بعد از این میرویم باشگاه و تمرین پا انجام میدهیم
Personal trainer
/ مربی خصوصی
someone whose job is to help you become stronger and healthier by deciding which exercises you should do and showing you how to do them
I’m a personal trainer and a lifestyle manager
من یک مربی بدنسازی خصوصی و یک متخصص مدیریت سبک زندگی هستم
Jump rope (US) / skipping rope (UK)
/ طناب
A rope that is used for jumping over as an exercise or game
The kids were busy playing with jump ropes and skateboards.
بچه ها مشغول بازی با طناب و اسکیت بورد بودند
Skipping / Jump
/ طناب زدن / پریدن
Jumping over a rope
Skipping is a sort of cardio exercise
طناب زدن نوعی ورزش هوازی است
/ دمبل
a short metal bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to strengthen your arms and shoulders
The question is: can we grow muscle without using dumbbells
سوال این است: آیا می توانیم بدون استفاده از دمبل عضله سازی کنیم
/ وزنه
a heavy object (such as a metal ball) thrown, put, or lifted as an athletic exercise or contest
I would rather body-weight exercises than lifting weights
من تمریناتی که با وزن بدن هستند را ترجیح میدهم به تمریناتی که نیاز به وزنه دارند
/ تمرین کششی
an act of stretching one’s limbs or body
You put your leg up on that bar and you stretch
پای خود را روی آن میله قرار داده و کش می آورید
/ اسکات / بشین پاشو
an exercise in which you stand on the ground with your feet apart and raise and lower your bottom by bending and straightening your legs
Thanks to doing squats to failiure, I can’t feel my legs
یه لطف بشین پاشو رفتن زیاد، پاهامو حس نمیکنم (خیلی خسته ام)
/ خم شدن
incline the body downwards from the vertical
move and bend slowly
به آرامی حرکت کرده و خم شوید
Lie down
/ دراز کشیدن
to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest
The doctor asked him to lie down on his stomach.
دکتر از او خواست روی شکم دراز بکشد
Jumping jack
/ پروانه زدن
a physical exercise in which you stand with your feet together and arms down, jump up and spread your arms and legs far apart and land, then jump and bring your feet together and arms down again
Do a few jumping jacks to raise your heart rate.
برای بالا بردن ضربان قلب چند پرش پروانه ای انجام دهید